RPC method maturity
This document records the maturity of each method made available by the Dogecoin Core RPC. Maturity is expressed over 3 stages:
- UNSTABLE - These methods are often new, and can change within minor version updates.
- STABLE - These methods can be used safely and will not see breaking changes on minor version updates.
- DEPRECATED - These methods are no longer recommended to be used and may be removed in future versions.
method | Maturity | Comment |
abandontransaction | STABLE | |
addmultisigaddress | STABLE | |
addnode | STABLE | |
addwitnessaddress | UNSTABLE | Not functional yet |
backupwallet | UNSTABLE | Breaking change since 1.14.6 |
bumpfee | STABLE | |
clearbanned | STABLE | |
createauxblock | STABLE | |
createmultisig | STABLE | |
createrawtransaction | STABLE | |
decoderawtransaction | STABLE | |
decodescript | STABLE | |
disconnectnode | STABLE | |
dumpprivkey | STABLE | |
dumpwallet | UNSTABLE | Breaking change since 1.14.6 |
encryptwallet | STABLE | |
estimatefee | UNSTABLE | Brought back from deprecation since 1.14.7 |
estimatepriority | DEPRECATED | To be replaced with estimatefee |
estimatesmartfee | UNSTABLE | Brought back from deprecation since 1.14.7 |
estimatesmartpriority | DEPRECATED | To be replaced with estimatesmartfee |
fundrawtransaction | STABLE | |
generate | STABLE | |
generatetoaddress | STABLE | |
getaccount | DEPRECATED | Deprecated since 1.14.0 |
getaccountaddress | DEPRECATED | Deprecated since 1.14.0 |
getaddednodeinfo | STABLE | |
getaddressesbyaccount | DEPRECATED | Deprecated since 1.14.0 |
getauxblock | STABLE | |
getbalance | STABLE | |
getbestblockhash | STABLE | |
getblock | STABLE | |
getblockchaininfo | STABLE | |
getblockcount | STABLE | |
getblockhash | STABLE | |
getblockheader | STABLE | |
getblockstats | UNSTABLE | Introduced in 1.14.7 |
getblocktemplate | STABLE | |
getchaintips | STABLE | |
getconnectioncount | STABLE | |
getdifficulty | STABLE | |
getinfo | DEPRECATED | Deprecated since 1.14.0 |
getmemoryinfo | STABLE | |
getmempoolancestors | STABLE | |
getmempooldescendants | STABLE | |
getmempoolentry | STABLE | |
getmempoolinfo | STABLE | |
getmininginfo | STABLE | |
getnettotals | STABLE | |
getnetworkhashps | STABLE | |
getnetworkinfo | STABLE | |
getnewaddress | STABLE | |
getpeerinfo | STABLE | |
getrawchangeaddress | STABLE | |
getrawmempool | STABLE | |
getrawtransaction | STABLE | |
getreceivedbyaccount | DEPRECATED | Deprecated since 1.14.0 |
getreceivedbyaddress | STABLE | |
gettransaction | STABLE | |
gettxout | STABLE | |
gettxoutproof | STABLE | |
gettxoutsetinfo | STABLE | |
getunconfirmedbalance | STABLE | |
getwalletinfo | STABLE | |
help | STABLE | |
importaddress | STABLE | |
importmulti | STABLE | |
importprivkey | STABLE | |
importprunedfunds | STABLE | |
importpubkey | STABLE | |
importwallet | STABLE | |
keypoolrefill | STABLE | |
listaccounts | DEPRECATED | Deprecated since 1.14.0 |
listaddressgroupings | STABLE | |
listbanned | STABLE | |
listlockunspent | STABLE | |
listreceivedbyaccount | DEPRECATED | Deprecated since 1.14.0 |
listreceivedbyaddress | STABLE | |
listsinceblock | STABLE | |
liststucktransactions | STABLE | |
listtransactions | STABLE | |
listunspent | STABLE | |
lockunspent | STABLE | |
move | DEPRECATED | Deprecated since 1.14.0 |
ping | STABLE | |
preciousblock | STABLE | |
prioritisetransaction | STABLE | |
pruneblockchain | STABLE | |
removeprunedfunds | STABLE | |
rescan | STABLE | |
sendfrom | STABLE | |
sendmany | STABLE | |
sendrawtransaction | STABLE | |
sendtoaddress | STABLE | |
setaccount | STABLE | |
setban | STABLE | |
setmaxconnections | UNSTABLE | New since 1.14.6 |
setnetworkactive | STABLE | |
settxfee | STABLE | |
signmessage | STABLE | |
signmessagewithprivkey | STABLE | |
signrawtransaction | STABLE | |
stop | STABLE | |
submitauxblock | STABLE | |
submitblock | STABLE | |
validateaddress | STABLE | |
verifychain | STABLE | |
verifymessage | STABLE | |
verifytxoutproof | STABLE |